Gain Knowledge & Support You Need to Thrive With Diabetes
Diabetes education, also called Diabetes Self-Management Training (DSMT), gives you the knowledge, tools, and support needed to confidently manage your health.
Our evidence-based program is often covered by insurance and designed to help you:
- Improve daily management: Understand how to balance medication, nutrition, and activity.
- Reduce complications: Stay on track to prevent serious diabetes-related health issues.
- Decrease healthcare costs: Fewer hospital admissions and readmissions.
- Build confidence: Learn practical skills to take control of your health.
With structured education, expert guidance, and a focus on your unique lifestyle, DSMT empowers you to make sustainable, long-term changes for better health.
What Is Diabetes Self-Management Training?
DSMT is an evidence-based diabetes education program that provides the skills and ongoing support needed to self-manage type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes effectively. Research shows that DSMT helps people with diabetes lower A1C levels, prevent complications, and improve quality of life.
Through one-on-one and group-based education sessions, you’ll learn how to:
- Monitor your blood sugar and recognize patterns.
- Understand and interpret continuous glucose monitor (CGM) data.
- Make informed choices about healthy eating to maintain stable blood glucose levels.
- Understand your medications and how they work.
- Handle stress and problem-solve to manage diabetes complications, such as meal planning, hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia events, and medical care.
- Develop long-term habits to stay in control of your health.
Ready to take control of your diagnosis and health?
Find out if you qualify for diabetes education through insurance.
How Our Diabetes Education Program Works
Our diabetes education program follows a structured approach, combining individualized assessment and group-based education for a well-rounded learning experience.
Step 1: Individualized Assessment
Meet one-on-one with an education specialist who is part of a diabetes care team to review your current management plan, challenges, and health goals.
Step 2: Group-Based Education & Training
Join a supportive, expert-led group class covering key areas of diabetes management with educational materials:
- Diabetes Nutrition 101 & CGM Basics: Learn how and why to maintain control over your blood glucose and how to track and interpret CGM data.
- Being Active: Discover ways to incorporate physical activity into your routine.
- Healthy Coping & Problem-Solving: Build strategies for handling stress and overcoming mental health obstacles.
- Taking Medications: Understand how your medications work and when to take them.
- Monitoring Glucose: Learn how to track and interpret your blood sugar levels.
- Keeping Your Diabetes in Control: Put it all together with expert guidance for long-term success.
Step 3: Achieving Measurable Improvements
Participating in diabetes education like DSMT is proven to lead to positive changes in health and wellbeing, including:
- Improved blood sugar control: Witness healthier hemoglobin A1C levels.
- Enhanced cardiovascular health: Achieve better management of blood pressure and cholesterol.
- Increased medication adherence: Feel confident in your medication routine.
- Reduced risk of complications: Protect your long-term health.
- Healthier lifestyle habits: Embrace better nutrition and increased activity.
- Boosted confidence: Feel empowered to manage your diabetes effectively.
- Reduced healthcare costs: Experience fewer hospital visits and readmissions.
Step 4: Ongoing Support & Follow-Up
After completing the program, you’ll have continued access to expert guidance, digital resources, and community support to help you stay on track managing diabetes.

We often recommend following DSMT with Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) to equip patients with the knowledge, tools, and skills needed to confidently and effectively manage diabetes.
Begin Your Diabetes Education Journey Now
Diabetes education is covered by most insurances, including Medicare Part B, where beneficiaries with diabetes are eligible for 10 hours of diabetes education over the course of their first year of enrollment. Patients must receive a referral from their healthcare provider.
Once you complete the Diabetes Education Eligibility Form, we’ll take care of the rest! We’ll reach out to your healthcare provider for a referral, file with your insurance, and contact you when you’re ready to schedule your first class. We look forward to seeing and supporting you!
American Association of Diabetes Ed. (2009). AADE Position Statement. The Diabetes Educator, 35(3_suppl), 48S52S.
Boren, S. A., Fitzner, K. A., Panhalkar, P. S., & Specker, J. E. (2009). Costs and Benefits Associated With Diabetes Education A Review of the Literature. The Diabetes Educator, 35(1), 72–96.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Emerging Practices in Diabetes. Approaches to Increasing Access to and Participation in Diabetes Self-Management Education.
CDC. (2024, May 15). National Diabetes Statistics Report. CDC.
Medicare Shared Savings Program QUALITY MEASURE BENCHMARKS FOR THE 2018 REPORTING YEAR Guidance Document. (2019).
NCD - Medical Nutrition Therapy (180.1). (n.d.).
Rutledge, S. A., Masalovich, S., Blacher, R. J., & Saunders, M. M. (2017). Diabetes Self-Management Education Programs in Nonmetropolitan Counties — United States, 2016. MMWR. Surveillance Summaries, 66(10), 1–6.
US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion and Diabetes Advocacy Alliance. Improving Diabetes Screening and Referrals to Prevention Programs
Information provided on the Aeroflow Diabetes website is not intended as a substitute for medical advice or care from a healthcare professional. Aeroflow recommends consulting your healthcare provider if you are experiencing medical issues relating to diabetes