Editorial Policy
Our Goal
At Aeroflow Diabetes, we know that access to reliable, trustworthy information about diabetes is a critical part of your health and well-being. Our website aims to educate our readers about:
- Safe and effective pediatric and adult diabetes.
- Medical conditions that may contribute to continuous glucose monitor use.
- Our continuous glucose monitor supplies.
- Coverage of continuous glucose monitors through insurance.
- Medicaid policies and requirements.
Our Author
Marlee Septak, Branded Content Writer
Our Medical Advisor
Our content is thoroughly researched and presented in an accessible way to ensure that the information is clear and relevant to readers. Our health-related articles are reviewed by a highly-qualified, credentialed medical professional to ensure they are accurate. Articles may be updated when new clinical guidelines or recommendations are released. We provide a clear indication of authorship and/or medical review on each piece that we publish.
See links below to learn more about our Medical Advisor.
Victor Marlar, M.D.
Our Sourcing Policy
To ensure that our information is accurate and free of bias, we use only legitimate, reputable sources. These include:
- Scientific studies.
- Data published by universities and government organizations.
- Peer-reviewed journals.
- Scholarly articles.
- Other reputable news outlets and websites.
Links to Other Websites
As part of our sourcing policy, we may reference and link to other websites so readers can find more information. Aeroflow Diabetes does not endorse, recommend, control, medically review or approve the content that appears on any other websites. We are not responsible for the legality, accuracy, or inappropriate nature of any content that appears on these sites.
Medical Disclaimer
Information provided on the Aeroflow Diabetes website is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment. Always consult your doctor before changing diet, exercise, or wellness regimen. Do not change or disregard medical advice you have received based on information provided on this website or on linked materials. Aeroflow Diabetes does not recommend or endorse any product, treatment, service, healthcare provider, or opinion that is included on this website. If you have a medical concern, contact your healthcare provider or local emergency services.